State of




5.1 +
Billion people use the internet

The global average time people spend using the internet each day is

The global average time people spend using the internet each day is


Recent evidence suggests internet users in 2023 are not loving digital advertising

35.7 %

use ad blockers

37.2 %

decline cookies at least some of the time

17.2 %

feel represented by the advertising they see

In spite of this news, the global digital advertising spend in 2022 was a staggering US$667.3 billion, amounting to a 73.3% share of advertising revenue across all media and channels.

However, brands are investing relatively little of their overall digital budgets in influencer marketing even though consumers and brands alike prefer influencer marketing to other digital advertising


TV advertising

The influencer is
87 %
more memorable

Facebook advertising

The influencer is
182 %
more memorable

YouTube advertising

The influencer is
73 %
more memorable